Thursday, September 22, 2011


View of the Orlando Towers and the streets of Soweto

After long flights and good night sleep.  We began our long work trip in Soweto at the Chris Hani-Baragwanath Hospital.  This facility is the largest in the Southern Hemisphere and the second largest hospital in the world.  I knew this coming in, but had no idea how large until we walked the campus and we only saw a small portion of the hospital and its many wards.   We worked there three days and never saw the entire campus. 

The towers of the Orlando Power Plant are a common view from Soweto and seem to be in view from everywhere, likewise the Orlando Stadium.

After working, the site provided us with a driver to see some of the Apartheid history sites in Soweto.    We started this trip at the Regina Mundi Catholic Church which means "Queen of the World".   This church was used by the students during the Soweto uprising as a place of organization, morning and shelter until the police stormed the church.  In this raid while no one was killed, many were wounded and the marble alter broken, the statue of Jesus damaged and many bullet holes left in the roof.  This Church still plays a big role in Soweto.  It was recently visited by First Lady Michelle Obama on her South African Visit. 

Stained Glass Window at Regina Mundi -
Look for bullet holes in the roof!

Photo Gallery at Regina Mundi

Another stained glass panel in the church

From the church, we were shown the houses of Winnie Mandela, Desmund Tutu and Nelson Mandela.  

Winnie Mandela's House

Our final stop this day was to see Hector Pieterson Memorial and Museum.  Hector was the first student killed in the Soweto uprising.  Students were protesting the teaching of Africans and English 50/50 in schools.  The museum shows events leading up to and after the uprising.  It is a very powerful museum. 

Sections of the Memorial

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