Saturday, October 15, 2011

KEMRI CDC and Boro

Tree - Called the Tree of Life by the Locals - on the road to Boro

My work in Kenya was with my team at the KEMRI CDC. Every day we met at the Kisian location for the long drive out to Boro. We loaded up the land rovers with containers of files, people, cooler boxes for the drive out.
KEMRI CDC in Kisian

Packing the truck

On the way we passed beautiful valleys, bustling towns and many farms. Every day, twice a day we crossed the equator on the trip.

Me at the equator

Local Children
 Suit Shop on the road

Market Day in Boro

Once there we set to work. The staff seeing participants and entering data. My self reviewing data and trouble shooting internet connections with the help of Mike from our Cape Town office.

Samuel, Sarah and Ann at the front desk in Boro

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