Sunday, October 16, 2011

Nairobi and the Giraffe Center

The guest house at the Giraffe Center

I needed a weekend break and also needed to travel from Kisumu Kenya to Kampala Uganda.  And while the two are rather close cities both on the shores of Lake Victoria, you can't (yet)  fly between them without going through Nairobi.   So I decided to spend a Saturday in Nairobi staying at the Macushla House and exploring the Giraffe Center. 

My bedroom

The Patio

Macushla House is a small guest house in the Karen neighborhood in Nairobi.  The guest house is eclectic, comfortable and a very nice place to get away.  No TV, no internet, just warm friendly people, wonderful food, a warm fire and nice break!  Walking distance from the guest house is the "Giraffe Center" 

The African Fund for Endangered Wildlife Kenya (A.F.E.W. Kenya) also known as the Giraffe Centre is a non-governmental, non-profit making organization, which was founded by Betty and Jock Leslie-Melville in 1979. This was in a bid to save the endangered Rothschild Giraffe, which had lost its natural habitat in Western Kenya to agriculture and there were only 130 left in the wild. Funds were raised and 4 herds of the Rothschild giraffes were moved to 4 parks namely Lake Nakuru National Park, Mwea Game Reserve, Ruma National Park and Nasalot Game Reserve.

Young ones born at the Centre were translocated to; Soy Sambu Ranch near Lake Elementaita, and Kigio Conservancy near Gilgil and Sergoit ranch in Eldoret while recently we translocated some to Mwea National Game Reserve . Today the Rothschild Giraffe population in Kenya is about 300.

The centre allows you to interact up close and personal with the giraffe and is a wonderful place to spend a relaxing day.

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