Sunday, October 2, 2011

Wine Tasting on the Western Cape

The tasting room at Constantia Glen

With lots to do on a busy Saturday, we decided to stay close to Cape Town and go wine tasting in the beautiful Constantia Valley.  The Valley takes its name from the farm granted to Simon van der Stel in 1685 by Commissioner van Rheede. It is said that Governor van der Stel named his property after Constanza, the little daughter of his benefactor. The area is now known Constantia. The Governor planted the original orchards and vineyards.  This area is the oldest wine-making region in the southern hemisphere, dating back to 1685.  Wines from this area were enjoyed by Napoleon Bonaparte and royalty in the 18th century. 

We started our day at Constantia Glen, one of the newest wine farms to start in the Valley.   Their tag line is "Capturing the essence of Sauvignon Blanc" and that was the truth.  We tasted two vintage of the Sauvignon Blanc and both were outstanding.  We also enjoyed a Rose and their 3 and 5-varietal Bordeaux style blends.  While all were good, I ended up buying one of the Sauvignon Blancs. 

Our next stop was Klein Constantia, and boy was I in for a treat.  My two guides, Mike and Yolande had connections here.  So I got a special behind the scenes tour of the private cellar and the cellar where the wine is aged in the casks.  

Wine Cellar at Klein Constantia

The private wine cellar at
Klein Constantia
 Of course, we started at the tasting table!   Once again they had great an amazing Sauvignon Blanc. Their reds were blends but also very good.  And then, the prized desert wine, Vin de Constance.  I don't like desert wines, I say.  I've obviously never had a very good desert wine.  Napoleon used to drink this one and geez, now I like desert wines.  You'll know I really like you if you get a taste of this one!  It is something really special!

Finally, we ended the tour at Steenberg winery with a wonderful lunch in the Bistro.  Their sparkling Chardonney has quickly become one of my favorites, after having it at a fantastic dinner in Johannesburg in September.  The lunch was a lovely end to a cold blustery day of fine wine. 


The Steenberg Wine Bar

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